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Seven Factors Cause Toothache

1. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the most common causes of gum swelling and pain. They are generally due to poor oral hygiene and incomplete cleaning, leading to accumulation of plaque and calculus, causing irritation to the gums, resulting in oral inflammation, and symptoms of gum swelling and pain, When the inflammation gets worse, the swelling and pain will be more obvious.


 2. Tooth decay. If people suffer from tooth decay and do not receive treatment in time, tooth decay will become pulpitis, which will damage the pulpal nerve, cause apical periodontitis, and eventually cause toothache, than you will need a dental restorations like implants, all ceramic restorations and removable restorations.


3. Food inlay If the gap between the teeth is relatively large, or the edge of the denture is not close together, it is easy to cause food inlay when eating. If you do not pay attention to the cleaning time for a long time, it will cause inflammation, resulting in gum swelling and pain, and also accompanied by bad breath .


4. Endocrine causes Some women have endocrine disorders, as well as changes in the hormones in the body during menstruation and pregnancy, and changes in the endocrine environment can cause gum swelling and pain.


5. Physical diseases some systemic diseases, such as leukemia, scurvy, hemophilia, and pernicious anemia, may also have symptoms of gum swelling, pain and bleeding.


6. Simply getting angry can also cause gum swelling and pain. If the weather is dry, the human body’s saliva secretion is reduced, the respiratory tract is dry, and you eat some spicy and stimulating foods, it is easy to get angry when fried food, and it will also appear Swollen gums.


7. Wisdom teeth pericoronitis. Wisdom teeth have difficulties when they germinate, encounter impacts, etc., coupled with poor oral hygiene, will cause inflammation of the tissues around the crown, which will cause the symptoms of gum swelling and pain.

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